Celiac Disease

This auto immune condition requires avoidance of gluten, the protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Sounds pretty straightforward, right?

Unfortunately, gluten is also hidden in a wide range of food products derived from these ingredients, from spice mixes to contaminated oats to flavored rice mixes. While it’s easy to focus on the long list of foods you must avoid, our approach is different. Our dietitians help you explore foods you can enjoy that are gluten free. We’ll also provide you with practical meal and snack ideas to meet your nutritional needs. We’ll introduce you to gluten free products and recipes and help you sort through the maze of label reading to identify gluten-containing ingredients.

One or two visits usually does the trick to set you on the gluten-free path.

For More Information

Please call our office at (781) 335-7559, or email us at info@LoriLiebermanAndAssociates.com

Celiac Disease

Questions? Ready? Call us at 781-335-7559 or use the contact form. Jean or Joan will answer your questions and match you with the nutritionist that’s the best fit.