Beth Kitzis, MEd, RDN, LDN, provides nutrition counseling for patients managing a variety of medical concerns including diabetes, elevated cholesterol, kidney disease, gastrointestinal disorders, and cancer. Prior to joining Lori Lieberman and Associates, Beth worked for six years at Community Servings, providing nutrition education, counseling, and meal access to Massachusetts residents living with critical and chronic illnesses. Beth also works as a dietitian for Hebrew Senior Life where she provides one-on-one nutrition support for older adults. Beth’s gentle and realistic approach to making meaningful changes are what helps her clients achieve their health goals.
Beth has a bachelor’s degree in communications from Northwestern University, a bachelor’s degree in nutrition from Simmons University, and a Masters in Nutrition Education from Framingham State University. Prior to working as a dietitian, Beth worked in healthcare marketing creating education materials and programs for patients at the Massachusetts General Hospital.
Outside of work, Beth enjoys spending time with her two teenage sons, her husband, and the greatest dog in the world, Riggins. She enjoys cooking, baking, watching theater productions, and occasionally performing in community theater herself.
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