A note to physicians.
So your patients want to start Ozempic/Mounjaro/Wegovy?
Please, please, please consider the following:
- Screening for an eating disorder
- Use SCOFF, designed for primary care providers: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1070794/
- It takes 2 minutes
- It’s highly sensitive and specific
- Referring them to an experienced Registered Dietitian
- To address any underlying eating disorder
- To ensure nutrient adequacy
- To help navigate eating with GI distress
- To work on their relationship with food
- To educate on dietary guidance for other comorbidities including diabetes, HTN, high cholesterol, IBS
- An honest discussion about how
- Weight loss does not lead to happiness
- Will not resolve their medical issues that co-exist
- It is their choice whether they want to continue on this medication, considering the cost benefit, financial and physical
- Association of weight with chronic disease ≠ causation
- They deserve respect regardless of their weight/shape/size
Lori Lieberman & Associates, LLC, Nutrition Consultants