Yes, there is a place for cupcakes!

Weight management, healthier perspective

After years of dieting, (you name it I’ve tried it- Atkins, WW, Paleo, Grapefruit, Intermittent Fasting, and numerous other approaches) and after losing and gaining unwanted weight and spending countless hours fretting about food and wellness, I found my way to Lori Lieberman. We started working together and things were going well but I was unfortunately interrupted with a health crisis that had nothing to do with nutrition or food. I said goodbye to Lori after explaining that I had to concentrate on treatment and dealing with a complicated and scary medical situation.

Well, when it was resolved a few years later, I decided to go back and resume my work with Lori. I knew I was not done with my journey of trying to come to peace with food and my weight and now I had an added dimension…. I wanted help with specific nutrition to address my medical issues, combined with wanting to lose weight and do it all while dealing with the remnants of a longstanding stubborn eating disorder.

Luckily, I found myself in the right hands. Enough about me let’s talk about Lori. …First of all , she is smart, compassionate, educated and thoughtful, not to mention, gentle but firm, open, creative and analytical. Also, she looks and is fit and trim and healthy …and bonus…she loves food! She is so joyful about eating and really knows how to rejoice in nourishing herself and enjoying the beauty and pleasures of food (taste, sight, smell and texture) without monkey mind. Her approach is refreshingly holistic and focuses on the whole person and wellness overall. Nothing is black and white. There is room for everything. Lori dug right in to my over lapping goals and set to work on them with me. She even conducted some careful research before our first session when I returned, to answer my questions about optimal nutrition to address my specific medical /nutritional concerns.

In this process, I am trying to be trusting and patient because I realize I have just started on this journey toward a better approach to nutrition and health. One that lets go of shoulds, guilt and overthinking. I am hopeful that with Lori’s patient understanding, informed and thoughtful guidance I will someday be able to enjoy food in a relaxed and sensible way and still achieve my long term goals of fitness, great health and wellness.

To have peace and joy around food and weight and not compulsiveness, restraint and guilt would be a gift. I am betting that Lori will be able to guide me there

