Yes. Cupcakes.

Regardless of your health concerns, deprivation is not the answer. We believe that all foods have a place in your diet. Yes all. A healthy diet meets your needs on many levels—nutritionally, medically, and psychologically. You should not feel deprived, believing that today is your last chance to eat your favorite foods. Yes, even cupcakes.

Dietary change is not all or nothing

How many times have you started a diet only to feel like you couldn’t maintain it forever? That you were bored with the options? That all you could think about was eating, simply because you knew you had to watch what you put in your mouth? This is not living! Dietary changes shouldn’t be all or nothing, black or white. You need to enjoy what you eat or you won’t maintain the changes you’ve made—and what good would that be?

Practical strategies

Diabetic? We’ll show you how to include even your favorite foods in your Carb plan. Living with Celiac disease or gluten sensitivity? We’ll guide you to modify recipes and direct you to gluten free resources. Struggling with managing your weight or your relationship with food? We’ll teach you practical strategies to regain control of your eating—and your health. Even if you believe that you are different—that balance isn’t possible. Living with food allergies? We’ll help you find agreeable substitutions, to focus on what you can have, not just what you need to avoid.

Name a condition and we’ll help make it easier to manage.

Yes, there is a place for cupcakes!

Questions? Ready? Call us at 781-335-7559 or use the contact form. We will answer your questions and match you with the nutritionist that’s the best fit.